
How to Properly Care for Your Hearing Aid

According to the Consumer Report’s Best Hearing Aid Buying Guide (2021), Most hearing aids are subject to moisture and wax buildup that may clog the output of the hearing aid. In fact, wax, skin oil and debris may clog not only the output of the hearing aid but interfere with the microphone pick up and […]

How Does Hearing Loss Impact Your Brain?

Can hearing loss be a contributing cause of dementia? A body of research has found that older people with moderate to severe hearing loss had a risk of almost 60 percent of developing cognitive impairment.(Lin and Albert, 2014; Yuan et al, 2018) Later studies have been looking into whether the use of hearing aids can delay or […]

How AI is Shaping the Future of Hearing Aids

You’ve undoubtedly come across artificial intelligence before, but did you know that AI-powered hearing aids can help personalize your hearing? The blending of artificial intelligence with hearing aid technology is changing what is possible for the millions of people in the world living with hearing loss. Integrated sensors connect your hearing to your overall health […]

How Often Should You Tune Up Your Hearing Aid?

If your hearing aid doesn’t seem quite as effective lately, you might need a routine check-up. Just like going to the dentist or taking your dog for a wellness checkup, you and your hearing aids need periodic check-ups for best performance. The best way to make sure you’re hearing everything you should is to practice […]

Traveling with Hearing Aids

Traveling with a hearing aid means you need to make some extra preparations. These tips will help ensure that you are prepared for whatever surprises travel throws your way. When flying, keep your necessities in your carry-on bag The last thing you want is for your vital accessories to be tucked away deep within a […]

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss and Prevention

Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) occurs when the ear’s sensitive structures become damaged by loud noises (such as music) over time. Even quick exposure to an extremely loud noise can result in some degree of NIHL, though it can take a while for the hearing loss itself to become noticeable. More than likely, if you have ever […]

Untreated Hearing Loss Linked to Depression

Hearing loss can have a direct impact to your mental and social health. Recent research has linked hearing loss with depression. One study (Gopinath et al, 2009) found that within the older adult population with hearing loss, estimates of depression suggest that up to 20% of older adults with hearing loss report a clinically relevant […]

Hearing Aids Open Doors to a Better Quality of Life

You may have heard the slogan that Better hearing is better living. It does have a catchy sound to it, but there is more to sayings like this than smooth sounding marketing phrases.  What is hearing, especially for those who grew up with good hearing? With normal hearing levels, children at six years of age […]

Do I Need an Annual Hearing Test?

Most adults — as part of their health regimen — schedule regular checkups with their doctors, dentists and optometrists. Not only does the need to see medical practitioners tend to increase as we age (this author can vouch for that), it’s good advice to stay ahead of potential issues, too. But what about our hearing? How do […]

Caring for Your Hearing Aids During the Summer

Moisture is the enemy of any type of hearing aids, and summer brings in a wide variety of new ways for moisture to get to yours. Besides added perspiration and danger from humidity damage, summer means swimming or sports for many people. In fact, most summer activities, from sitting at the beach to applying bug […]

Ruthies Story: A Caretakers Perspective

When you oversee caring for your parents, you want to make sure they receive the best care possible. We recently heard a story from Ruthie, a caretaker for her elderly mother, and wanted to share it. Below is her story about finding the best care for her mother and the impact good care had on […]

Understanding the degrees of hearing loss

Contributed by Debbie Clason, staff writer, Healthy HearingLast updated February 24, 2020. edited by Dennis Van Vliet May 25, 2021 In simple terms, the severity of your hearing loss is measured in two ways—how loud something needs to be before you can hear it, and which frequencies are harder for you to hear (such as higher-pitched women’s voices compared to […]

You’re Never Too Cool for Hearing Care

For far too long there has been a perception about hearing loss as being an impairment as well as a stigma around the use of hearing aid technology as being a sign of old age. While it is sadly true that age-related hearing loss may be an impairment, younger individuals suffer from hearing loss due […]

5 Things You Need to Know About Hearing Loss

Think you know everything there is to know about hearing loss? You might be surprised. Here are five facts everyone should know about hearing loss, its effects and its prevalence: 1. Untreated hearing loss can increase your risk for Alzheimer’s disease. It’s easy to understand how hearing problems can have an impact on your ability […]

Noise 24 hours a day

Tinnitus is noises in the head, not related to any psychiatric condition. The noise can be heard anywhere in the head or in one or both ears. Imagine a constant ringing, buzzing or whistling in your ears, 24 hours a day. It is called tinnitus. You never get a break. It is always there. Nobody […]

A Look Behind the Curtain: The Hearing Consultation

It is estimated by the Better Hearing Institute that over 35 million Americans willingly chose to deal with the negative effects from untreated hearing loss in their daily lives. For some, the degree of hearing loss may be more impacting than others, but every person who has difficulty hearing could benefit from a simple hearing […]

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